5 Simple and Easy Detox Strategies for Busy Women

Are you a busy woman juggling many commitments and feeling run-down and stressed?

If you are, detoxing can seem like a daunting task.

But, having a simple detox plan can support your long-term health and wellbeing. In this blog post, I’ll share 5 detox ideas that can be easily incorporated into your busy lifestyle.

1. Start Your Day with Warm Lemon Water:

This can help kickstart your digestion and support detoxification. Simply squeeze half a lemon into a glass of warm water and drink it first thing in the morning. Try to do it before your ritual, spank your brain awake, coffee.

I’m sure you’ve heard about drinking lemon water before. But do you know why lemon water is so great to include as part of your detox strategy? Let me tell you why:

  • The acid in lemons can help break down food and supplement stomach acid levels, which declines as you age. FYI, ageing starts from age 25……doh!

  • Many of us busy ladies don't drink enough water, and a daily lemon water habit is an easy way to start your day hydrated. Did you know that once your urine is almost clear, it's a good sign that you've drunk enough water?

  • When regularly drunk as part of your daily routine warm lemon water benefits your weight. It increases feelings of fullness and slightly boosts metabolism. This is what can aid in weight. It also can releive constipation and support a healthy digestive system.

  • Lemons contain phytonutrients. They have powerful antioxidant properties, which help protect your body against cellular damage. Basically, it helps your body stop rusting on the inside.

  • Lemons are full of Viatmin C. It's a powerful antioxidant that supports your immune system. It also optimises mood and memory. Most people with high levels of vitamin C in their bodies feel less stressed. And, bounce back faster from highly stressful situations. Plus, it can improve exercise performance.

  • Lemon juice can help balance your body's pH levels. This makes it much easier for your cells to function well and stay alive. If your body is to acidic it's much easier for bacteria and viruses to grow.

  • If you want to reduce your caffeine intake, lemon water can be a refreshing alternative.

  • Some people find that drinking lemon water in the morning can lead to clearer skin and a clearer mind.

2. Incorporate Detox Superfoods into Your Diet:

Kale, spinach, and broccoli are detox superfoods. They are all rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. And, they can help support liver function and aid in detoxification. Try adding these super foods into your smoothies, salads, or stir-fries.

This Detox Breakfast Smoothie is packed with nutrient-dense ingredients that help detoxification. Bananas add natural sweetness and provide potassium. This can help regulate blood pressure and support heart health. Greek yogurt adds protein and probiotics, to support your gut health and digestion. The honey and ginger are add extra flavor.


  • 1 cup kale leaves

  • 1 cup spinach leaves

  • 1/2 cup broccoli florets

  • 1 banana

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt

  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional)

  • 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger (optional)


  • Add the kale, spinach, broccoli, banana, almond milk, Greek yogurt, honey, and ginger to a blender.

  • Blend until smooth.

  • Pour into a glass and enjoy!

3. Detoxing isn't just about what you put into your body.

It's also about what you put on your body. Your skin plays a big part in detoxification. It's better not to put any nasties on your skin that can cause irritation or inflammation.

Many wonderful people have created natural products for your cleansing and beauty routine. For example, The Beauty Chef offers organic, probiotic-rich beauty and wellness products. They include products focused on detoxing and cleansing. Using these products can help support your skin's natural detoxification process.

Plus, you can use their natural skin care range to give you brighter, clearer skin.

4. Take a Daily Walk:

Walking is a simple and effective way to support lymphatic drainage and detoxification. Walk for 20-30 minutes each day to support your body's natural detoxification process.

You could do it first thing in the morning to get everything flowing. During your lunch break to bring more movement into your day. Or, after work to help you destress. While you’re at it, look at the nature around you. The colour green is associated with the liver in shiatsu and the liver is one of our main detox organs.

5. Try SWIISH:

Looking for something to more to help you go deeper with your detox. SWIISH is an Australian wellness business established by 2 sisters. Their goal is for you to feel vibrant, confident and passionate about who you choose to be. And, they want wellness to be your way.

They have a fantastic range of products to help you detox. But, it’s their e-books and online programs that can really set you up for success.

They’ve created what you need to help not only detox your body but also your life. So, that you can be inspired to be your authentic self and seize each day with a glowing, healthy confidence.

Incorporating simple detox strategies into your daily routine doesn't have to be complicated. Start your day with lemon water. Add detox superfoods into your diet. Use detox beauty products. Take a daily detox walk. And, get wellness tips from SWIISH.

Support your body's natural detoxification process to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

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As a thank you, we're offering a $15 saving on our Shiatsu Detoxification treatment.

Don’t worry. We know what it’s like to get overloaded with emails you want but don’t read. So we keep what we send out short and sweet.

Once you’ve signed up make sure you claim your discount and book in your Detox Shiatsu. Your body will thank you for it.

Yours in health and wellness

Marian x

PS Just so you know, I do earn commission on products purchased through the links I provide. So, thank you for your support :).

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